UPDATE: Azealia's specific breed is unknown, so she will always be different no matter what, due to her specific breed being mixed since her ancestor's existed, so she does not have an actual breed at all. She's just random if in an RP
(Azealia's mixed lineage goes all the way to her ancestor's, and I'm not dealing with that sanity-breaker at all, so here's a short lineage of Azealia's family, just her parents)
------------------------------------------ SSS: UNKNOWN
---------------- SS: UNKNOWN
------------------------------------------ SSD: UNKNOWN
------------------------------------------ SDS: UNKNOWN
----------------- SD: UNKNOWN
------------------------------------------ SDD: UNKNOWN
------------------------------------------ DSS: UNKOWN
----------------- DS: UNKNOWN
------------------------------------------ DSD: UNKNOWN
----------------------------------------- DDS: UNKNOWN
----------------- DD: UNKNOWN
------------------------------------------DDD: UNKNOWN
(I will do her genetics someday, or just have a question in EV forums)
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